Code Samples

Demos, instructions, and repos

Animated Components

Jitter Bug

Simulated page traffic and product sales.

Collapse & Reveal

Slide a content block's height up or down.

Move Elements

Change or restore the location of a content block.

Code Snippet

The source code for this website's custom code snippet component.

Tabbed Panes

Nav tabs with content panels that fade in and out.


Window Resize Observer

Manage and perform a list of actions when the browser is resized.

Console Formatter

Opinionated extensions for console messages.

Fuzzy Scroll

Improved scroll-to behavior.


In my last year of college I got really into robotics. I became an intern at a K-12 education company called STEAM Maker Workshop. From there I ended up working in education for about 5 years. One of the tools I used in my lesson plans is a fantastic program called TinkerCAD. It's for people of all ages who are interested in learning 3D design, circuitry, and programming. I built a collection of more than a dozen examples for my students to learn from.

You can find my circuits and the code that runs them on my TinkerCAD profile.

Note: Requires TinkerCAD account and login.